Sunday, December 30, 2007

Letter to Family - December 5, 2007

December 5, 2007

Wow, Christmas is coming, isn't it? Well, I guess it will come and go by the time you get this. I know I wrote you guys a small note with Nickie's package - not sure which will arrive first. Things are great here - just living the dream. I'm at the training site for two weeks for technical training. I'm not too excited about all of the sessions but it's great being back with all of the other volunteers from my stage. We've been having a blast together and have lots of games and activities to keep us busy during free time - late night hide and seek, soccer, frisbee, improv, a weight gain competition, and maybe even Christmas caroling and Secret Santa.

Well, I received your letters from late August and early September, along with two more care packages. Thanks, again! It helps so much when I'm out in the bush - beans, rice, noodles, and millet, all get old if you eat them often enough. I figured out how to make a dutch oven, so if you find some recipes for cakes, cookies, breads and pies, please send them my way. I'm especially looking for a mango pie/cake/bread recipe, because mango season will be here soon. I have plenty of honey in my village so I have been draining the comb and funneling it into bottles, so I'll have some for the future. I also plan to try to make my own fruit/granola bars - We'll see how that goes.

We have been learning about project proposals and I'm really anxious about getting started on a few in my village. I want to do a big map project for the school - a world map, a map of Africa, and a map of Niger. Also think I'm going to start a weekly health lesson at the school - nutrition and sanitation. I also plan on starting a weekly adult English class since many men have shown interest. And I plan on doing a well-repair project soon because there is a lot of dirty standing water around both wells in my village. A lot of work coming up but I'm ready to get started. My villagers have a lot of effort so in sha allah (God willing), things will work out.

Mom, that radio transmitter was the best gift ever! It's so nice listening to good music when I'm cooking or doing laundry... I even take it to the neighbor's place nightly and listen to Bob Marley's CDs after dinner.

I'm living on about $10 a week, on average. Crazy, I know! Hopefully, I'll get the window in my hut installed and my interior walls cemented so I can decorate it better - it's pretty plain now. The spiders and my mouse keep me company (smiley face).

I want to let you guys know that I have learned a great amount about the importance of being patient - You have to in this country or you would go crazy and early terminate from the Peace Corps. I have also learned to be resourceful - I'm sure I'll be a great hiker/camper by the time I return. I understand why they say that you take away more than you give in your service.

Well, I guess that's all for now. Gonna hop in a real shower and sit on a real toilet before bed - Yes, I'm excited about that! I love you guys and think about you daily. I miss you all so much. Please wish all of our family and friends a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for me. Take care and try to enjoy that cold weather - I'm jealous! I love you all and will talk top you all soon.



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