Sunday, December 30, 2007

Email - November 20, 2007

November 20, 2007
Mom and Dad-

Hey, how are things going in Houston?! What's new? Sorry you couldn't get a hold of me on Saturday; the service had been out for three days straight and just returned today. I got some thorny brush and netting put over my garden starter bed before I headed to another town yesterday. I didn't do a whole lot yesterday other than finish up a book and look through the package I got from you yesterday! Thank you so much once again. I received the one with a couple of dress shirts and my iPOD and transmitter...great stuff! The eight of us that were here played a long game of Trivial Pursuit which was a pretty good time.

This morning I got up early and walked to the market (20 minutes) to get some stuff for Thanksgiving as well as a few things that I can't find at my market, like toilet paper and margarine. I went by the post office to check for mail and picked up like 10 packages for our region. It took about an hour and a half to get that all taken care of and get them all in a taxi and get back to the hostel. Patience is a virtue. I got another package from you, though, so I was super excited! It was the one you sent on Nov 5th and had marshmallows, hot cocoa, and vanilla extract. Thanks so much once again, Mom; it makes bush life so much better having a treat now and again! I also got two of your letters, one from Aunt Joselyn, and one from Lara, my friend from back home.

I just got done baking a couple of loaves of banana bread for Turkey Day and I plan on making some pumpkin bread tomorrow. We're watching King Kong now but it's supposed to be a really long movie and the clarity is pretty bad so I gave up on it.

I guess that's about it for now; just wanted to write you all a quick note letting you know that all is well here in Niger. No worries. I'll be here until Friday morning but remember I'm 7 hours ahead of you guys now. I'll have my cell on me the entire time so feel free to call whenever, especially on Thanksgiving! Write back soon and I'll get back to you guys tomorrow. Love you all. Have a great day and savor that cold weather- I dream about it often!



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